[Архивный гайд] “What do the Numbers Mean?” – The Statistics of Aion

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The following is a (hopefully) human-readable description of every visible statistic in the Aion universe, as well as some of the hidden values. Other hidden values (Malady Resistance, for instance) likely follow similar models. They have been excluded at present because of the limitations in properly testing hidden stats.

The basic goal of this guide is to provide intuition about the stats of Aion, as well as approaches for estimating the relative value of different stats for a given class or character. Few of the equations presented here is a hard-and-fast fact, but rather the best-guess or best-fit equation for the partial practice data presently available from the game. Much of this data has been compiled by myself and various active theorycrafters on
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. The rest I have extrapolated or estimated to provide what I feel is the closest approximation to the actual game behavior.

This is a work in progress. I will be adding to and expanding this database as new stats are introduced (or made visible), as well as refining any uncertain calculations when more data presents itself.

Outline (Use this to narrow your search):

  1. Base Stats
    • HP
    • MP
    • Power
    • Health
    • Agility
    • Accuracy
    • Knowledge
    • Will
  2. Physical Offense Stats
    • Attack
    • Accuracy
    • Physical Critical Hit
    • Attack Speed
  3. Physical Defense Stats
    • Physical Defense
    • Evasion
    • Parry
    • Block / Shield Defense
  4. Magical Offense Stats
    • Magic Boost
    • Magic Accuracy
    • Magical Attack
    • Magical Critical Hit
  5. Magical Defense Stats
    • Magical Resistance
    • Elemental Resistances
    • Concentration
  6. Other Stats
    • HP Recovery
    • MP Recovery
    • Speed
    • Flight Speed
    • Flight Time
The Database (In-Depth Descriptions in here):

Base Stats

  • HP (Available via Manastones)
HP is a fancy, video-game convention for health. Two characters is easier to encode than six – go efficiency.

This one is pretty straight-forward: every incoming attack that bypasses all of your defensive attributes deducts from your HP value. If your HP drops to or below 0, your character “dies.” Of course, Daevas are immortal, so your character doesn’t stay dead for long. Nevertheless, dying is a serious hassle (You have to wait for a rez or respawn at your obelisk, suffering a penalty either way). From a downtime perspective, death is the single worst devourer of time – avoid it.

So, staying alive is good – I’m glad our survival instincts are still intact. Now, how helpful is HP at improving survivability? I’d argue that it’s the best tool available at low levels. At higher levels, this may change, but HP is extremely powerful at the opening of the game. Why? Because every attack hits it, be they physical or magical. Parry and Physical Defense can help against melee, while Elemental Defense can help against spells, but HP helps against both. Moreover, every class can access the stat: there’s no need for a shield to get mileage out of HP.

From a survival perspective, HP is the last line of defense. You’d obviously much rather resist or dodge incoming fire, but I’ll wager that 100% avoidance isn’t a possibility in this game. If you can’t avoid every attack, then it’s best to be prepared for those attacks that will break through the front lines: a poor last line will only earn you more quality time with the Obelisks of Atreia.

  • MP (Available via Manastones)
This is the magical counterpart to HP. Every character in Aion has MP, and every character spends MP when executing special abilities. For Warrior and Scout classes, these stats are largely irrelevant: the latent MP regeneration of all characters tends to keep pace with the rate of use (their abilities are dirt cheap, in other words – MP is meant to be a non-issue, at least for fights under five minutes in duration). For Priest and Mage classes, however, MP plays a big role in gameplay.

Running out of MP isn’t dangerous on its own. 0 MP will not kill your character, but it will place you in a risky situation: without MP, you can’t perform any special abilities. You can think of MP as the fuel of your character: you won’t explode when you run out, but you’ll have to manually push your character the rest of the way home. Again, this is less of a problem for Scouts and Warriors: their normal attacks are likely enough to get them through to a rest point. Mages and Priests use at least some magical attacks, however, and their melee abilities are far less potent (Chanters excluded).

Narrowing the scope to Priests and Mages, how important is more MP? Having more doesn’t hurt – it’s a boost to longjevity, therefore reducing downtime. However, I’m hesistant to recommend it for anything more than a healing class; for dealing damage, there are better choices.

For Sorcerers, Spiritmasters, and offensive Clerics: imagine that you’re in a car. Think of MP as your fuel tank, and Magic Boost as your engine. The stronger your engine, the better you convert fuel into energy. Likewise, the more Magic Power you have, the more damage you deal with each point of MP spent attacking. Meanwhile, increasing the size of your fuel tank will also increase the amount of energy you can produce; You simply won’t be able to produce that energy as quickly without a stronger engine. Increasing your MP does the same thing: you’ll be able to deal more damage, but your damage per second will not improve.

For Chanters and defensive Clerics: if you’re running out of MP in your healing career, stack on more MP. As far as I can tell, Magic Boost does not influence the strength of healing spells. At all. So, until MP regeneration stats appear in the late game, more MP is the only way to improve your healing capacity.

  • Power
This is one of the base stats, and is therefore fixed for all characters at creation (and recalculated at Ascension). As a general rule, the Base stats don’t mean much for character progression. In theory, Power dictates the Attack power of your character. There is a small trickle effect visible in your Base Attack value. Namely:

So Gladiators, Templars, Chanters, and Assassins get a little more Attack out of their weapon’s base attack values (note no additive attack is subject to the Power multiplier). Clerics get a minor boost, while Rangers get nothing, and all Mage classes get a little less.

  • Health
This is one of the base stats, and is therefore fixed for all characters at creation (and recalculated at Ascension). The Health stat is thoroughly misleading. That is, the HP values of your character are independent of his Health stat. This is evidenced in multiple ways, not the least of which is the Spiritmaster having roughly 700 more health than Sorcerers at level 50, despite having identical Health for every level along the way.

Health may have some bearing on your natural HP Recovery. Natural HP Recovery is a minimal aspect of the game, however; the benefit from resting trumps any minor delta in recovery based on this stat. Thus, don’t look to your Health stat to tell you much about your character: the value does have some rough semblance to how hearty your character will be, but its effect on your character isn’t readily calculable.

  • Agility
This is one of the base stats, and is therefore fixed for all characters at creation (and recalculated at Ascension). Agility has a small influence on your avoidance stats: Evasion, Parry, and Shield Defense. The exact calculation comes out to be (
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Where Floor rounds the decimal result down to the nearest integer. To these values, all other modifiers are added (from gear, manastones, titles, and so on). None of these later modifiers is scaled by Agility, so the benefits from the stat are static. The agility modifier will pale in comparison to actual modifiers and your level by mid-game, but they are present nonetheless.

  • Accuracy
This is one of the base stats, and is therefore fixed for all characters at creation (and recalculated at Ascension). Accuracy has a direct impact on your Accuracy stat, amazingly enough, and works as follows (
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This means that Chanters and Clerics have 20 less accuracy than average, Assassins have 20 more accuracy than average, and Rangers have 30 more accuracy than average. As with Agility, this change will be dwarfed by gear and your level by the mid-game.

  • Knowledge
This is one of the base stats, and is therefore fixed for all characters at creation (and recalculated at Ascension). Knowledge allegedly impacts Magic Damage and Accuracy, yet neither stat changes from class to class in response to this stat. For all classes:

More testing may reveal some hidden value to this stat, but at present it is simply indicative of your character’s proclivity for offensive spells.

  • Will
This is one of the base stats, and is therefore fixed for all characters at creation (and recalculated at Ascension). Very little is known about this stat presently, but my suspicion is that Will is just as unreliable a measure of MP as Health is of HP. After all, Assassins and Rangers deviate by 100 MP at level 50, yet they have equal Will for every level; Chanters and Clerics likewise have identical Will for every level, yet they have a nearly 200 MP gap between them at level 50.

It is possible that Will has some impact on your natural MP regeneration. There is no outward display of a character’s MP recovery at this time, though; the actual calculations for this stat are presently hidden from players.

Someday I’ll stare at my empty MP bar and watch how much fills up with each “tick” of time, relative to my character’s Will. This is more viable a research topic than HP, because keeping up with healing/casting attacks during a long fight is important – maintaining the fuel for combat is crucial.

Physical Offense Stats

  • Attack (Available via Manastones)
For physical damage dealers, this is the bread and butter of your damage output. More Attack will increase the damage of melee or ranged Auto-Attacks, as well as the damage of all special attacks that deal physical damage. Every point of Attack converts on a 1 to 1 ratio into damage dealt by each swing before mitigation.

How valuable is Attack? In terms of PvE content, it’s likely the most important stat for dealing damage. Attack scales consistently forever; there are never diminishing returns on the value of Attack. The only caveat is to make sure you have enough Accuracy in your gear to avoid being parried and dodged all the time. Physical Critical Hit is also valuable, but is not as reliable (especially in shorter fights). Crit also suffers from diminishing returns late in the game.

For PvP content, Attack becomes less important. Making your critical strikes as likely as possible will quickly outweigh the benefits of increasing the damage of every attack by a little bit. Why? Because a healer sitting on your target will be able to keep up with a steady stream of damage; sharp bursts that are less predictable are your best chance for dropping your target before the healer can react with a big heal. Attack still matters in PvP (bigger crits are bigger), but Crit should take priority until Crit starts to suffer from diminishing returns.

For casting classes, avoid Attack. Attack has absolutely no bearing on your magical damage, so you won’t hit any harder for having it.

  • Accuracy (Available via Manastones)
Accuracy is a good thing; it makes your physical attacks more likely to connect. Rule of thumb: if Attack makes it harder, Accuracy will make it hit more often.

Aside for Math Junkies ahead. On each physical attack, your accuracy is compared to the Dodge, Parry, and Shield Block of the target (if applicable). I believe that each comparison is made independently; I’ll have to test numbers in PvP to get a more accurate model. For the moment, I’ll provide the best-guess equations that I’ve run across:

Each of the above checks is performed independently, and thus:

It’s a reverse equation, I realize – You’re the attacker in the above case, so the target’s chance to be hit is the same as your chance to hit the target. I’m also assuming that each of these checks is independent; the game’s mechanics seem to support this approach, and it has thus become the common solution to the problem. There could be some dependency between these components, though, that we simply haven’t seen yet.

To get mileage out of this in PvP, you simply need to read your opponent’s stats. take a look at some geared character models and you’ll see the kind of Evasion, Parry, and Block they’re likely to have. For PvE, the problem is harder – we don’t have numerical models for them. So, time for hand-waving estimation!

So that’s some major hand-waving; I have no source for those numbers. They’re likely to vary level by level, and even across mob types. However, I believe the estimations are reasonable – the values are drawn from appropriate-level manastones, which I believe demonstrate part of the game’s expectation of growth.

Nevertheless, those numbers should make a good baseline for physical DPS classes to look at: your accuracy should be enough to at least negate the chance for a monster to parry your attack (every monster I’ve seen so far can parry, even if they don’t seem to have a weapon). Once you reach that, lean towards Attack.

  • Physical Critical Hit (Available via Manastones)
A critical hit deals double damage to the target. Physical Critical Hit (PCH) increases your chance to score a critical hit with a physical attack (who would’ve guessed?). That said, how much PCH do you need to crit, say, 20% of the time? 50%? 100%?

The best-guess equations that I use look like this (
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So, there’s a very sharp dropoff once you reach about 440 PCH. Until that divide, the rule of “1PCH = .1% Crit Chance” holds.

I’ll save theorycraft on the benefits of Crit versus Attack for another time. Both PCH and Attack are good, and both are likely to be rare, expensive stats to acquire. Your best bet in the early game is likely to take whichever is more affordable.

  • Attack Speed
This one’s pretty straight-forward. Attack Speed is a percentage value, and directly reduces your auto-attack swing timer by that percentage. Or, in terms of math:

By and large, this stat is most important in building competent attack weaves. A primer on Weaving can be found
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. If you completely fill your attack rotation with Special Attacks, this stat is probably useless for you – your Auto Attacks will never have a chance to go off.

For casters and healers, this stat is useless: your spell casting speed is unaffected by Attack Speed.

Physical Defense Stats

  • Physical Defense
Physical Defense is a subtractive protection against incoming physical damage. In other words, every 10 points of Physical Defense reduces incoming damage by 1 point. This is counter-intuitive to many players, who are used to seeing armor values behave as percentage damage reducers; testing thus far proves this to be incorrect.

The key test for this: make your character wear light armor, and still get hit for 1 damage by an enemy. If the armor were a percentage reduction, you’d need to be mitigating 95% of the incoming damage to reduce a 20 damage attack to only 1 damage – that would require a lot of armor. However, if armor behaves in a subtractive fashion, it’s easy to imagine cutting down an incoming attack of 20 damage to 1 with just 190 Physical Defense. As I have verified this test on my own character, I am convinced.

So Physical Defense is linear in behavior on its own. Additionally, no attack that successfully hits you can deal less than 1 damage, regardless of your Physical Defense.

Now, the question that continues to bug me: how does Physical Defense interact with Parry and Block? In the case of Evasion, all of the damage is avoided, so Physical Defense doesn’t matter. If the attack is Parried or Blocked, meanwhile, some of the damage passes through. The fun here is that the order of operations matters: if incoming damage is reduced by Physical Defense first, then more damage will be dealt when compared to reducing the damage by the Parry first. The two model equations look like this:

Just try plugging in 200 for Damage and 200 for PhysicalDefense in each of those cases. Model1 implies 90 damage dealt, while Model2 implies only 80 damage dealt. I can’t presently decipher which of these models is correct, because of the large variance in damage-range (no monster hits repeatedly for 100 damage in the actual game). My suspicion leads me to believe that Model1 is correct, as it strikes me as the more stable calculation; Parries will actually look like 50% damage reducers over a long stretch.

However, this particular stat should be tested with a shield – because a shield’s damage reduction % is known, rather than best-guessed, that parameter in the equation can be taken as a certainty, simplifying the remaining problem somewhat (variance in incoming damage will still cause trouble, though). I guess I’ll have to strap on a shield and play with mobs for a while to confirm one of those models.

  • Evasion (Available via Manastones)
Evasion increases your chance to dodge a physical attack. Dodging an attack avoids 100% of the attack’s damage, as well as any abnormal effects the attack may have caused (poison, stun, stumble, etc.). It’s a very powerful stat in terms of survival. Such a powerful stat is appropriately rare, though; it’s about three times as valuable as Parry and Shield block, as far as the game is concerned.

But how much Evasion do I need to get a reasonable chance to dodge incoming attacks? For this, we can look back at the estimations I made when discussing Accuracy.

So, every 10 Evasion you have over your opponent’s accuracy, you’ll have an additional 1% chance to dodge his physical attacks. But, once you’re 300 points over your attacker’s accuracy, you won’t see any benefits. This is an approximation of the game’s internal limiter to avoid exploitation. It’s also worth noting that this check is made before a check for Parry or Block; because they are independent checks, the order of checking matters. In general, this is in your favor: it is better to dodge an attack than to parry or block it, in terms of survival.

To estimate how much evasion you will need to have the stat matter, you’ll need to provide a dummy variable for your attacker’s accuracy. PvP values can be estimated by simply looking at your friends in other classes; whatever their stats are at a given level are good indicators of what you’ll have to deal with. For PvE estimation, we go back to my hand-wavy estimations from the Accuracy stat:

These values are purely speculation, but they’re likely to be a good model. The numbers will likely deviate from monster type to monster type, too, so melee-oriented classes may be more accurate; caster classes may be less accurate. If your Evasion is woefully below the base accuracy of these estimates, it’s probably a good indicator that Dodging isn’t a core quality of your class.

How valuable is Evasion, then? It’s truly the strongest avoidance stat in the game. being able to completely avoid attacks and their detrimental effects is amazingly good for survival. The stat is extremely expensive to gear for, however, so you’re likely to lose out on a lot of other stats if you pursue Evasion. And even fully equipping Evasion gear will only grant you at most a 30% dodge chance against enemies. In my experience, a reliable defense and sustained offense are the best attributes of any solo class. Dodging is great, but unreliable; the game is always going to get lucky, so preparing for those times often improves your survivability more than stacking an unreliable stat.

Scouts have a particular proclivity for Evasion. Leather gear is stocked high with this stat, and so building upon that value is likely in their best interest. Their survivability is subsequently spiky, but a good Scout won’t be targeted too often anyways. Other classes are less likely to find high Evasion on their gear; stacking the stat when it’s below the minimum needed to Dodge anything is a thorough waste of time – you won’t see any benefit!

Final Note: Dodging is Omni-Directional. Turning your back on a target has no bearing on your chance to dodge incoming attacks.

  • Parry (Available via Manastones)
Parry increases your chance to parry a physical attack. Parrying an attack avoids roughly 50% of the attack’s damage, but not the abnormal effects of the attack. Parry is less powerful in terms of survivability than Evasion. Conveniently enough, Parry is also a more abundant stat than Evasion.

Parrying requires that a physical melee weapon be equipped; Bows, Spellbooks, and Orbs do not allow you to parry incoming attacks. So, if you’re a Mage class, you’re welcome to ignore everything that follows.

The Parry equation mirrors the Dodge equation posed above:

As with Evasion, Parry is also limited to avoid exploitation. The cap here is 40%, which you’ll reach once you have at least 400 more Parry than your attacker has Accuracy. Parry is checked after Evasion, but before Block. The PvE enemy accuracy estimations also hold here, if you want to have an idea of how much Parry you need to avoid incoming attacks.

So, how valuable is Parry? I personally find this to be one of the coolest stats in the game in terms of survival. Because the stat is cheap, you can exceed your enemy’s accuracy with sufficient Parry, and you can do so by a large margin. This results in a 50% reduction in a fair number of incoming attacks (not all of them, unless you stack the stat absurdly high, but some). Because the stat quickly results in a likely chance of parrying incoming attacks, this can support a reliable defense. 50% of the damage coming in is still significant, but the percentage reduction means that it will scale nicely as you progress (suck it, WoW).

The bottom line is, each point of Parry provides an appreciable chance to mitigate incoming damage from physical attacks; the damage reduction per point is the strongest available to lower-level characters. Parry is therefore a key survival stat for melee characters without a shield.

Final Note: Parrying is Omni-Directional. Turning your back on a target has no bearing on your chance to parry incoming attacks.

  • Block / Shield Defense (Available via Manastones)
Shield Defense is the shield-using melee class’s alternative to Parry. Shield Defense increases your chance to block incoming physical attacks. Blocking an attack avoids a portion of the attack’s damage; the portion’s size is dependant upon the shield. Weak shields block as low as 30% of the attack’s damage, while top-end shields with enchantments block as much as 65% of the attack’s damage. In all cases, abnormal statuses caused by the attack will pierce the block.

Blocking clearly requires a shield to be equipped. So, if you’re a Mage or Scout class, feel free to ignore everything that follows.

The Block equation is identical to the Dodge equation posed above:

Again, this mitigation stat is limited to avoid exploitation. This means that at most 50% of incoming attacks can be blocked, once you have at least 500 more Shield Defense than your attacker has Accuracy. Blocking is checked after both Evasion and Parry, so this is the last chance for your character to mitigate the incoming damage somehow.

If you’re curious about how much Shield Block you’ll need at a given point in the game, you can also look back to find the estimated accuracy of PvE enemies in the Evasion section.

So, Shield Defense lags behind Parry until you enchant an end-game shield multiple times (assuming that Parry does, indeed, stop 50% of an incoming attack). By and large, the stats are equally common, too. So what’s the appeal of Shield Defense, if it does less to keep you alive? Templars have the added plus of inheriting some neat tricks in response to blocked attacks, but all classes that actively use a shield should probably look to Shield Defense instead of Parry to increase survivability.

The motivation for this is simple: The shield provides an absurd amount of Shield Defense, while the accompanying one-handed melee weapon provides only some Parry. Remember, reliable defenses will serve you better, even if they seem a little weaker up front. Because Shield Defense can get so high, it’s not unreasonable for a shield-user to block nearly every incoming attack. When every attack is blocked, you can expect incoming attacks to only deal 65% or so of their intended damage. Your HP thus has a reliable second line of defense that the other mitigation and avoidance stats can’t easily provide. It’s no surprise that Shields are designed this way: the best defenses should be reserved for the tanks of the game, after all.

So, if you want to get the most out of your shield for survival, stack Shield Block: the base boost to the stat that the shield provides should make getting a strong block chance relatively simple, so take advantage.

Final Note: Blocking is Omni-Directional. Turning your back on a target has no bearing on your chance to block incoming attacks.

Magical Offense Stats

  • Magic Boost (Available via Manastones)
For magical damage dealers, Magic Boost is the primary stat for increasing your damage output. This is how you strengthen your character’s engine, as I mentioned in the MP section. Warriors and Scouts can pass this section by completely.

Magic Boost’s benefits are applied in a multiplicative fashion, as opposed to the additive nature of Physical Attack. As more Magic Boost is acquired on a character, the damage of that character’s spells increases by roughly:

What does that mean? Simply put, the spell damage of any given spell (SpellX above) increases by a minuscule amount for every point of Magic Boost that you have. If you have 0 Magic Boost, you’ll see only the base damage of that spell. If you get up to about 1200 Magic Boost, you’ll cause double the base damage with each damaging spell you cast.

Magic Boost is anywhere between 8 and 12 times cheaper as a stat compared to Attack, so it rightly provides less benefit per point. However, nearly every target you find in Aion is better at mitigating physical damage than magical damage; you don’t need such a strong conversion to get more power.

Note that Magic Boost only influences offensive spells; healing spells and roots/snares don’t care about how much Magic Boost you have. Thus, only stack Magic Boost if you’ll be casting damage spells; otherwise, look elsewhere.

  • Magic Accuracy (Available via Manastones)
Magic Accuracy is a spellcaster’s version of Accuracy. For every spell cast, the enemy has a chance to fully resist the damage of that spell. Magic Accuracy decreases the opponent’s chance to resist the effects of your offensive spells. The equation governing this interaction is as follows:

So, with a high enough AttackerMagicAccuracy, the second term in the equation is reduced to 0. When this happens, all of your character’s spells will hit the target – the ideal of any offensive caster.

If you’re going to be dealing damage with spells, always make sure you have enough Magic Accuracy to get your spells through your enemy’s defenses. Because many of your spells have crucial effects associated with them (roots, snares, sleeps, etc.), having these effects miss will likely get you killed. Prepare for these situations by building up your Magic Accuracy stat.

For everyone else in the game: don’t bother with this stat. Defensive spells cannot be resisted, so there is no need to build up Magic Accuracy for them. All physical attacks use Accuracy, so look to that stat for improving your hit chance with your physical weapons.

  • Magic Attack
Magic Attack is the magic weapon’s corollary to Attack. That is, every point of Magic Attack increases your character’s damage with a magic weapon at a 1 to 1 ratio. This stat has no influence on spells, nor on the damage of attacks made with physical weapons.

As a general rule, avoid this stat regardless of your class. It will not help you to deal damage in any meaningful way. After all, only Sorcerers and Spiritmasters can hold magical weapons, and their damage comes from spells cast rather than attacks made. Do yourself a favor and forget that this stat exists.

  • Magic Critical Hit
By Patch 1.5, the chance for offensive spells to critically strike was removed. The Magic Critical Hit stat still remains on some items, though. This stat now applies to the Critical Hit chance of magical weapons (Spellbooks and Orbs). If you attack with either of these weapons, the attack’s chance to critically strike follows the pattern of PCH:

As a general rule, avoid this stat regardless of your class. It will not help you to deal damage in any meaningful way. After all, only Sorcerers and Spiritmasters can hold magical weapons, and their damage comes from spells cast rather than attacks made. Do yourself a favor and forget that this stat exists.

Magical Defense Stats

  • Magical Resistance (Available via Manastones)
Magical Resistance is the magical world’s counterpart to Evasion. Magical Resistance increases your chance to completely avoid the effects of any offensive spell. This means that all damage caused by the spell, as well as any negative effects of the spell, are ignored completely. In equation form:

Magical Resistance is a crucial defense against any caster enemies. Because there are so few methods of mitigating spell damage, and this is the one stat that can be acquired through Manastones, this is the easiest Magical Defense to stack. Bolstering this stat however possible will invariably increase your survivability against casters – in both PvE and PvP.

At present, I don’t know of any limiting cap on %ChanceToResist. It’s possible that it bottoms out at 50% or so, but I have yet to encounter this limit.

  • Elemental Resistances
Elemental Resistances applies to all four of your character’s Resistances: Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water. For every 10 points of a given Elemental Resistance, the damage taken by the correlated element is reduced by 1%:

I don’t know if there is a limiter on this stat; I haven’t encountered one yet. Elemental Resistances are rare enough that actual limits on this stat are probably unnecessary (There’s not a lot you can do to get more of a given Resistance, after all – no Manastones for it). Any way that you can build these stats up should be tracked carefully – they’re crucial for defense against incoming spell damage.

  • Concentration
This is perhaps one of the most confusing stats in the game. I list it here as part of the Magical Defenses block because spellcasters care about it the most. The basic premise is simple enough: Concentration increases your resistance to having a spellcast be interrupted when you are hit by an attack. Just how this stat actually works is somewhat of a mystery, though. Here are a the observations that I have so far, which can hopefully guide you to have a better understanding of how important this stat will be for your needs.

To start, I find that the amount of damage dealt by an incoming attack reflects its probability to interrupt a spellcast. In particular, I estimate that:

Where k = 2 or so (I don’t know the exact value, but interrupts are seemingly guaranteed when being hit for half of your overall HP). Now, Concentration mitigates this probability. How much of an effect Concentration has is hard to be sure of, but I’ll bet it follows one of the two following patterns.

Pattern One: we mirror the behavior of every other percentage stat in the game. This means that every 10 Concentration reduces your chance to be interrupted by 1%:

This makes some sense, but also means that Concentration’s power scales in line with your HP value as well as its own value. That is, 100 Concentration reduces the interruptive effect of 100 damage when I have 1000HP, and 200 damage when I have 2000HP. Since Concentration values continue to grow on higher-level gear, this pattern could lead to uninterruptible characters at level 50. I don’t know if this is a possible outcome or not, but I’m skeptical. Then again, maybe acquiring Concentration is just too limited for that to be a risk.

Pattern Two: instead of having a percentage impact, it’s possible that Concentration acts as a damage dampener inside the above calculation. This would mean that:

My qualm here is that Concentration doesn’t get to be large enough to really mitigate much damage off of the interruption chance. Perhaps Concentration is multiplied by a hidden constant inside to make it more meaningful, but then they probably would have simply inflated the Concentration stat itself.

At present, I’m more convinced of the first pattern. There may be some caps to the power of Concentration in that pattern, too, to avoid the creation of uninterruptible characters.

Other Stats

  • HP Recovery
The rate at which your HP recovers naturally. Every five seconds, your HP will “tick” up for a small amount, proportional to this stat. This stat is hidden, however; it’s not presented anywhere on the character screen. The value is still there, of course; there is food to augment natural HP recovery, and the effect is observable, so it must exist.

  • MP Recovery
The rate at which your MP recovers naturally. Every five seconds, your MP will “tick” up for a small amount, relative to this stat. Unfortunately, this stat is masked from the player: it’s not presented anywhere on the character screen. It is there, however, and can be boosted through a handful of mechanics (food is the easiest example).

  • Speed
The movement speed of your character is encoded in this value, which isn’t particularly descriptive. My best guess is that this value is your speed in kph (kilometers per hour), and the base value of 6 reflects a normal person’s brisk walk. Stats on gear, titles, and Mantras can change this value and speed up your character accordingly.

Whatever your movement speed, your character’s speed is dynamic. In particular, the direction of your movement will change your movement speed:

So you slow down by a bit when strafing, and you slow down by a bunch when backpedaling. Additionally, many adverse spells will slow you down (snares) or stop you altogether (roots).

  • Flight Speed
The speed at which your character moves in the air is not the same as the speed at which your character moves on the ground. Separate modifiers from gear and such will influence your aerial speed, and strafing/backpedaling (backflapping in the air?) will still decrease that movement speed by 20%/40%, respectively.

  • Flight Time (Available via Manastones)
I hope that this one is self-explanatory. Each additional point of Flight Time that you acquire through gear will add one unit to your Flight Time Bar. Your Flight Time Bar depletes at a rate of 1 unit per second while your wings are activated, and regenerates at a rate of 1 unit per three seconds while your wings are inactive. Potions can be used to replenish this bar, and they behave just like HP and MP potions (any excess value from the potion is wasted, rather than temporarily boosting your maximum value).